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  • On the Road
    On the Road
    by Jack Kerouac
  • Blue Highways: A Journey into America
    Blue Highways: A Journey into America
    by William Least Heat-Moon

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Entries in Rick Dale (1)


On the Road: The Daily Beat

I haven't done an On the Road post in a while, but I just learned about a website to share with all of you Littourati who come by this website looking for things Kerouac or beat.

Dr. Rick Dale, professor of Special Education at the University of Maine at Farmington and the author of The Beat Handbook: 100 Days of Kerouactions, has a blog where he posts daily Kerouactions that you can do to keep in touch with your own inner beat.  For example, based on Sal's time in "Sabinal," California - on which I wrote a post about Selma, California, the actual town where Kerouac spent time with Bea Franco and whose relationship formed the basis for the Sal and Terry romance - Dale argues that being beat includes eating Mexican food.  He pulls a passage from On the Road to prove his point, where Sal, Ponzo, Terry, Terry's brother and his kid eat "tacos and mashed pinto beans rolled in tortillas" at a Mexican restaurant.

Other tecent topics Dale tackles include interconnectedness, priorities, sleep and movies, all inspired by On the Road.  In other words, it's a little like Littourati without the maps, and Dale is more succinct, i.e. less verbose, than I am.

Check it out!  And buy his book on Amazon so that you can help your true beat self shine!  If you forget, you can always come back to my links page and find his site there!