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Neil Gaiman's
American Gods

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  • On the Road
    On the Road
    by Jack Kerouac
  • Blue Highways: A Journey into America
    Blue Highways: A Journey into America
    by William Least Heat-Moon

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Entries in Google map (2)


Littourati News: Map problems fixed and maps enhanced with searchbar

I reported that the links to the blog posts in the Google maps were not working correctly.  These have now been fixed in both the Kerouac map and the Blue Highways map and all links now connect to the correct blog, making it possible for access to the blog from the map as well as access to the map from the blog.

I have also enhanced the maps.  There is now a search bar enabled in the lower left hand corner of the maps.  If you want to get directions from where you are to a site on the map, you can now do it within the map.  I hope you find this helpful!

Michael Hess


Littourati News: 5000 Unique Visitors!

Littourati hit a small milestone this weekend.  We recorded our 5000th unique visitor.  Not only that, but we're rapidly approaching 10,000 views on our page.  Though it's only a small step toward eventual Internet domination, I am encouraged and amazed that people on the information highway are finding this travel-blog through literary landscapes interesting, considering that it consists of Google Maps and reflections out of my own head upon reading the literature.

I'll keep putting it up as long as you keep visiting, and hopefully, you'll be inspired to undertake your own voyages through literature as well.  Happy traveling, and keep coming back!  You're always welcome!

Michael Hess