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  • On the Road
    On the Road
    by Jack Kerouac
  • Blue Highways: A Journey into America
    Blue Highways: A Journey into America
    by William Least Heat-Moon

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Entries in awe (1)


Motherhood is a Journey - Enjoy Your Mother's Day!

I am constantly amazed at the journeys we take in life, and none is more amazing to me than the journey that mothers take.  They willingly take on the job of hosting a new being inside their bodies, give birth to that new creation, knowing that joy will emerge from the pain of birth, and then give of themselves over and over throughout their child's emergence from infant to adult, and even beyond.  Not to diss fathers, but mothers are very special.

Whatever journeys you travel - if you are a mother, a wanna-be mother, a wished-you-could-have-been-a-mother - or anything that involves mother in the title, Littourati is in awe of you.  You have made, or shown the courage to want to make (even if it didn't work out), one of life's greatest journeys.

Here's a poem set to video, inspired by the mother-teenage daughter relationship, that I wrote.  If you're the mother of a boy, or a mother-at-heart, I haven't written one for you yet, but it doesn't mean you're not important.  They're different journeys, but all share the goal of wanting to shape the next generation of responsible adults.

Michael Hess