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    Blue Highways: A Journey into America
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Littourati News: Try Reading Littourati on Google Currents

Sporadically, I have looked at ways in which to make Littourati more friendly to phone and tablet users.  Unfortunately, I have not had the time to try to really implement something.

Fortunately, the good folks at Google have helped me and other bloggers out.  Google Currents is a really nice little app for smart phones and tablets.  I was tipped off by one of Littourati's regular readers, and it formats Littourati nicely and in an easy to read format for your portable device.

I'm not really pushing Google Currents nor do I have any type of relationship with them.  I was just impressed on how it worked on my Android smart phone and my IPad tablet, and it is downloadable for both Android and Apple devices. 

If you know of another app for reading Littourati that works well for you, please share it as a comment.

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  • Response
    Response: best essay
    This littourati site has been sharing and giving us a lot of useful tips and concepts here, keep doing in the same way. I am very happy to know about littourati news try reading on google currents, thank you.

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