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Littourati News: Traveling in Charley's Footsteps

John Biewen, a producer, is visiting some key spots featured in John Steinbeck's Travels with Charley.  In the book, Steinbeck gets a small camper that he christens Rocinante, and travels with his Standard Poodle Charley around the country in the 1960s to reconnect with his country.

Biewen's website, Travels with Mike, is a chronicle of his visits.  It includes some video, as well as a map with interactive points that B.  Give Biewen's site a look!

Also, check out Peabody Award winning radio program Studio 360's feature on Biewen's project.

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Reader Comments (1)

I can't believe I put "John Updike's Travels with Charley." For some reason, I had Updike on the brain. Correction made, embarrassment palpable.

February 8, 2011 | Registered CommenterMichael L. Hess

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